Friday, February 8, 2019

So you want a romantic Lover                        

Good news! They’re out there. The Latin lovers, Italian lovers, French. They’ve rehearsed every romantic line of every love scene in every romance novel and movie.  Lies, truth, make believe; whatever they think will trip your trigger. They’ll bring you roses, boxes of candy, send you cards and love notes, even fancy restaurants, with candle light. He’ll look you in the eye, reach across the table and take your hand and as the twinkle of the candle reflects in your eyes, he’ll tell you the biggest lie of all.
“You’re the most gorgeous creature on this earth.  How could I not fall head over heels in love with such a beauty?  If this isn’t love, God didn’t make little green apples.”  
Hog wash! I’ll tell you what love is.
When you find someone who will stand up straight and tell it like it is, truthful, come hell or high water. Love is that person who will protect you with their life and never lie.
Love?  I’ll tell you about love. When I come home from work in the evening and go through the front door I take off my hat and cast it across the room onto the couch, meet my woman and pull her to me. I then grab her butt with both hands, pull her tight against me, and say, “How about it Becky?”
That…is romance. All the rest is “Sissy shit!”

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