An article in the morning paper told the story of a mother who lost her beautiful daughter in a drive-by shooting. It’s impossible to imagine the hurt caused by the loss. A senseless murder for a reason no one can explain makes it all the worse.
To paraphrase the Associated Press’ article “the mother has made it her mission since her daughter was killed in a drive-by shooting to make sure Americans — especially politicians — are forced to see what gun violence does. The daughter was sixteen when she and several other teenagers were standing on a street corner in Washington, D.C., after attending a funeral for a friend, who was killed over a missing bracelet. (Can you believe it?)
I’m reminded of my last “Post” dated October 30, 2015 titled “Respect”. It explains some of my thoughts on the subject and asked the question “How many lives would be spared if only we taught that one precept?” I believe the teaching of respect would cure ninety percent of our problems with violence. However, I’m just as certain that the article didn’t change one person’s mind regarding the subject.
It’s kind of like people loading up the sidewalk with flowers and candles where someone was murdered (Brussels for instance).They place the items and walk away feeling as if they did something important and that’s the end of it. In reality, it didn’t change a thing.
In my Driver’s Ed class, the teacher’s father was a California Highway Patrolman and had taken many photographs of fatal accidents. The gruesome photos showed bodies cut in half with entrails strung across the roadway…and on and on. The sight sickened the class but it’s doubtful that it changed the way any of us drove. We were wild by nature and dangerous by choice, especially behind the wheel. Why? It was the way and the environment in which we lived. The West was different, wild, rough and tough. No better or worse than anyone else, but we were, what we were.
People are pretty much what they are born into and then over the years change into what they decide to be. The advantage we had (The Grapes of Wrath people) was respect for our fellow man. With “respect, great things can happen”. Without “respect”, only bad things result.
“So?” you ask. It’s my belief that (admitting that there are always wild cards) if you could trace the ancestors of a person that has no respect for life, property, etc. you might find that it has never existed in their bloodline.
That’s a bold statement. Provocative? Perhaps, but think about it. Think deep. You—who learned respect as a child, (speaking to ninety percent of the population) (I pulled that number out of the sky), life is precious, property of others you have no right to, respect your elders, authority, and on and on. RESPECT, it’s what everything rests on; it’s what holds a society together. You teach it to your children and they teach theirs. How could you not? Once you have it, it’s handed down. If you were taught to practice respect, there is no way you could not pass it on. That would defy the natural order.
Okay, so how do we bake this “pie-in-the-sky” theory? There is only one answer. Teach it! “Impossible?” you say. Perhaps. However, we teach readin’ writin’ and arithmetic. Think of all the subjects that our schools offer and yet there is no mention of the importance of respect.
All across the Nation, we have Neighborhood Watches. Do they reduce crime, or only push it into unprotected neighborhoods? If all the gun law advocates would switch to respect the law would it make a difference?
What if our First Lady would take up the cause, “Respect is Everyone’s Job”. Lady Bird had walls put up around salvage yards all across America. I would bet it didn’t save one life. Our present First Lady has made a big hullaballoo about the food our children eat, but hasn’t saved one life.
Is there someone out there looking for a cause? Jump on the “respect” bandwagon and let’s ride.
Bryan Blake
P.S. Smashwords are releasing my book “Slim and Sly, Crossroads at Descanso” on April 25, 2016.
My next book, Bonny Lou Baker, Sheriff of Bluestone, is due sometime this summer. I’ll let you know when I have the date.
P.P.S. Follow me by email Type your address in the box on the right.
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