Fair and Balanced
Are you
kidding me?
DEBATE: A regulated discussion of a proposition
between two matched sides.
That’s according
to Merriam-Webster’s definition, not your news media’s.
Tell me what
kind of a match is it when one side explains their side of the argument and if
asked a direct question will answer directly; the other side will never answer
a direct question but lie and lie, make excuses, will not be interrupted, talk
over everyone else, and will not shut up and continues to lie and add to the
lie every chance he gets.
An honest person is limited in what he
can say about any subject. The truth is the truth and cannot be added to. Once
stated he’s finished. To add to or take
away would be to lie. Truth stands alone.
A liar can bloviate forever. A liar relies on repetition of his lies to
attract and convince the fools. Fools look for and are attracted to things they
want to hear, not truth. To them the truth is not important.
I’m insulted when I see the debates on TV
with few exceptions. They say to their participants, “thanks for the lively
debate.” Debate?
Fair and
balanced? I think not!
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